The People's 32nd
We are an independent collective of 32nd ward residents building a more equitable and inclusive community for the many.
Our Mission
We believe that every Chicagoan deserves a safe and equitable city – one that serves all its residents. We work with our communities to seed and support policy that does just that – calls to how this city can invest in our people in meeting the dignified needs of each Chicagoan, and build life-affirming public infrastructure to support the People.
Our Areas of Focus
Housing is a human right, and we believe that every Chicagoan deserves access to stable and affordable housing.
Public Safety
We need to create better structures of crisis response that work to both intervene at the moment of harm, work to heal those harmed, as well as solve the root causes – access to ensuring basic needs are being met.
Every Chicagoan deserves reliable and safe public transportation, as well as safe pedestrian & cycling infrastructure.
We believe that every child should have access to a publicly funded and operated school in their neighborhood. One with equitable access to serving the needs of each student.
Everyone should have access to clean air, water, and a healthy environment. This requires a deliberate investment in green infrastructure & a holistic environmental strategy.